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Suck It Out of Your Ear

Logan has had these strange bumps on the side of his face, just below the ear lobe. They felt like pebbles under the surface of his skin. They seemed to develop after he fell a few years ago. Because of the pain they caused Logan whenever we touch that area, we finally took him to a plastic surgeon for a consultation. We learned that they were most likely not scar tissue from the fall. It was in fact something else, fairly common, but  needed to be removed and sent to pathology. The doctor assured us that it would be benign.

At the appointment, Logan asked how they would remove the bumps. The doctor went into a fairly detailed explanation that included the words knife and cutting. Logan freaked out. And Logan does freak-out really well. I quickly gave the doctor the evil eye and told Logan they would suck it out of his ear. He stopped crying immediately, I think he was trying to imagine how that would work. Then the doctor gave me the evil eye.

I was later admonished for my white lie, but my thinking was the kid will be asleep, why make him think about his face being cut open. I later had to go back and tell Logan the truth. It did not go so well.

That all happened in December. The procedure was set for last week. We had not discussed it since that day. After talking to other parents, my parents and the doctor's office, we decided to tell Logan the night before he was going to the hospital. We even toyed with the idea of letting the doctor tell him as the gas mask went over his face.

Ryan and I were ready for drama, complete with crying, screaming, yelling and a chase around the house. This is how it went:

Ryan: Logan, remember I am taking you to the doctors tomorrow to get that bump on your chin taken out.
Logan: No response

I observed this interaction and I was convinced that Logan could not have possibly heard Ryan's remark. So I nudged Ryan to repeat himself. He did.

Logan: Okay.

Later that night, right before bedtime, Logan told Ben, "I am going to have stitches just like you." Once again Ben comes to the rescue in his big brother role, someone to be envied and copied.

Keep Voting - 2 more days to go! Thank you.


  1. I would have told my kids the same thing! I am so pleased that the real explanation went well and that Ben's experiences are proving very beneficial for his younger brothers. That's awesome!


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