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eSpecially Ben Team in Amazing Race


With a backpack full of snacks, water, cell phone and maps, Ryan and I will end this whirlwind of a week by competing in our local Amazing Race tomorrow. We enter this competition with little information and preparation. My grandiose plan of t-shirts, capes and marathon study sessions ended with a broken dishwasher and residual exhaustion from the Awards.

From what we know about the race, we start by answering trivia questions about Charlotte. If answered correctly, we get to take off minutes from our final time. At 9:15am, we take off in search of clues of specific locations in Charlotte, take a photo and then find check-in stations to turn in our pictures. Sounds easy right?

Ryan cannot wait to get this over and I am curious to how it will all work. This could be a great marriage team builder or we could end up walking on opposite sides of the street. Ryan is a great puzzle solver and I know the city fairly well, but that does not mean we may have heated discussions about the answer to the riddle or  argue over which way to walk. Our goal of taking the "Chartered Fishing Boat Grand Prize" has been downgraded to the hope we are still talking to each other at the end and making it home safely.

It is not too late to donate to our team, you may contact Margot Howell at All proceeds will be used for the 2011 Summer Camp Scholarship Fund for Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation's Therapeutic Recreation Department. To date, we have raised $230.

Wish us luck!


  1. Good luck Ryan & Vanessa!! We appreciate your support and publicity so very much, and hope that tomorrow ends up a bonding experience for you guys. All the other prizes are pretty exciting, too!!

    See you tomorrow!

  2. Thanks Angela! I just pulled out my Charlotte history books - we still have tonight to study. No matter what, we will have fun with it!

  3. Jeez how do you guys keep up this pace?
    Good luck with the race!

  4. We are crazy over here...but to be fair, Ryan and I did go away last weekend alone. We rested, walked in the rain and ate good food in Greenville, SC.

  5. Have fun and enjoy every minute! Darryl and Brian


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