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Here's another memory forever stuck in my brain - Tony Randall playing Felix in the show, The Odd Couple, when he is in court and, of course, acting as his own lawyer in some small traffic case. In his moment of triumph when the defendant uses the word, "assume", Felix breaks down the word for the court, "When you use the word assume, you make an ass out of you and me." Picture lots of swagger and finger pointing.

Okay, where am I going with this? Somewhere, I hope.

I assumed when we ordered the Rifton Toileting System for Ben that our insurance would cover it. I never gave it a second thought after all the paperwork was turned into the salesperson that this would come back with a denial. I was counting the weeks before Ben would have his brand new toilet. And instead, I received a letter of denial.

This contest has taken on a life of its own. The fight to be THE favorite has turned me into an emailing and messaging machine. I have even toyed with the idea of trying out Twitter. Putting that aside, the number of people reached through this contest who would not normally come in contact with blog sites like these is remarkable. People unfamiliar with our stories are becoming educated on the struggles families and individuals face every day.

My hope is that through visibility and awareness, the people making decisions about special equipment will become empathetic and compassionate to our stories. They will think twice before writing a policy that says toileting and bathing systems are a luxury and not medically necessary. They will have an understanding that people with special needs deserve the dignity, safety and assistance that certain equipment provides. Instead of basing decisions on only numbers and costs, the person's quality of life will be taken into consideration. They will not assume.

After all, we know where assumptions lead.

5 Days to Go!


  1. Amen! Likewise, a special needs carseat was denied us! Nevermind my daughter no longer fits in a standard carseat, and yet, can let herself out of boosters wandering the back of the car...putting herself and everyone else in danger!! We were blessed that a private group helped us purchase a 5 point seat that accommodates up to a height of 5'0 and 120 lbs. It was a gift that met our needs, but i wonder how many others were not so fortunate! I find it bizarre that a safety seat is not under some kind of medical equipment necessity!!

  2. When my son was little he was denied a hospital bed. This is a child on a feeding pump at night who has severe reflux and recurrent aspiration pneumonia, he also has seizures. Yet they told us the bed was not medically necessary. It wasn't until he reached a certain age that they finally approved a bed. Sad how insurance sees those with disabilities.


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