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Seeing Through the Blur

I often find myself wondering about the motions of life - I mean the motions we go through every single day, week, month, year and decade. In a class I taught recently, one of the seasoned married couples talked about how decades have gone by that they do not even remember. Although it is good to know that others feel the same way as me, it makes me want to savor the mundane and notice the little moments. Inside that blur could be the spectacular. Tonight, after Ben's physical therapy, I decided to treat the boys to pizza at Ben's favorite place. I left Ben sitting at the table while the other boys "played" Miss Pacman. (I do not give them money, they just watch the icons move around and either pretend they are playing or actually think they are playing - not sure which and I don't want to spoil the free thing I have going on.) The pizza took about 20 minutes to get to our table. Ben waited patiently without complaint. When the pizza came, he remained c

Toilet Saga Continues

Remember when I last wrote about the Rifton Blue Wave Toilet , we were waiting for a donated one from another family? Well it did arrive - almost new, really. And within a few weeks, it mysteriously broke. And Ben landed on the floor of our bathroom. I was sure he hurt something with the way he landed. Ben was clearly puzzled by the look on his face. After the dust settled and I was sure no bones were protruding from Ben's legs, I started to panic. I rely on this toileting system and without one, life becomes more difficult. A plan of action formed in my head and the next day, I contacted Rifton and told them the story - the whole story - including that this toilet was a donation. I explained that a small piece had cracked. I was hoping to purchase the small piece that broke. Well, of course, they cannot sell me just the little piece, I have to buy the whole thing. The customer service person asked me if I wanted her to work up a price. Yes, I did want her to work up a price, a 

Need more sheep to count...

This is an addendum to last night's post. In my enthusiasm to solve Ben's sleeping problem, I gave him all his medication at 4pm, including the sleep aid. And like I said in my last post, he was sound asleep by 8pm. At 1:30am, he was bright eyed and bushy tailed and remained so until I sent him to school on the bus. We try again today. I still have high hopes...just need to administer the medication according to schedule. A lesson learned every day.