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eSpecially Parents July Edition: Elisa's Story

Loving an Only Child Choosing to love an only child is the most difficult choice I have ever made. Years ago, I imagined myself as the mother of four boys. I have always thought of myself as a “boy mom,” the only girl in a wild house filled with male voices. We were on our way to building that “house” when Samson came. Then, his unique challenges began to fill our thoughts and alter our direction. One day we were 40 and I had let go of my original plan. Genetics forced us to consider the certainty of other biological children having the same neurological challenges as Samson. The foster system was my original idea – open our hearts to other children and wait until God chose the one we could keep. The possibilities of it all seemed dreamy to me at first. Reality arrived soon, however, when we learned that single children were often adopted by family, and that most opportunities to foster would likely be to siblings. Combined with Samson’s needs, adopting siblings seemed much more th

Camp in Review

Here are some photos from Ben's summer camp. This camp is coordinated through the Therapeutic Recreation Division of the County Parks and Recreation Department. They offer scholarships to attend this camp. Ryan and I participated in the Amazing Race , one of their fundraising events for the scholarship fund for which many of you contributed. You can see through these photos that the camp does an excellent job of getting the children involved in all types of activities from pet therapy to swimming, and everything in between. . And when they were not busy with the weekly visits from the music therapist, horticulturalist and My Gym, they went off-site to the bowling alley, theme parks, local colleges to take in a play. Ben was busy exploring this summer and making friends.

Rainbow Express

I received this letter a few weeks after Ben attended Rainbow Express at Matthews United Methodist Church: First off, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful son with me this week. Ben really fascinated me as I learned more about him each day. I loved seeing his smile and laugh when he got excited, and although it was a wee bit painful, I laughed so hard every time I turned around and saw him innocently gnawing on my hair! Everywhere we walked in the hallways, someone stopped us wanting to meet Ben. It might have been because of his awesome trike or adorable red hair, but once people looked him in the eyes they fell in love with him and couldn't help but tell me how cute he is. I was surprised how well Ben was able to communicate his desires with me. I feel as though I've learned so much, not only about Ben, but about myself. Having Ben as my camper was a massive blessing. Give Ben a hug for me! Jaclyn Reading this letter made my day!