We had a great summer. Last year, I made the decision to keep Ben out of camp and home with us. We did it, with the help of Kim, who has been with our family since Ben was 4 years old. Each day, we planned some new adventure for the boys. We swam, hiked, picnicked, traveled, visited friends, watched movies and discovered the $1 ice cream sundaes at McDonald's way too late in the summer.
That's Logan and Ben is about to wake him up.
Logan and Sean liked having Ben around and Ben certainly seemed happier spending his time with us. Ben was engaged in the activities we did together. He observed activities and when he was ready, put himself right in the middle.
On days we wanted to stay home to relax, and Ben wanted to go out, Kim gave him a choice of activities. He often chose walking the mall or going to
Imaginon, a large children's library. On most of those days, he also visited Dunkin' Donuts, TCBY, McDonald's and other tasty places.

If it weren't for Kim, I would not have made it through the summer. Rather, we would have made it, by staying at home watching videos all day long. Her help was invaluable. She challenged Ben, made sure he walked, made decisions and completed the activities he could do on his own. His walking in the pool improved because Kim expected him to walk back and forth many many times. (Unfortunately, it did not seem to tire him out all that much.)
The summer has come to a close. It is an easy decision to make for next summer - Three Musketeers together again. We would not have it any other way.
As for Kim...I don't dare ask her about her plans yet. She needs time to recuperate...and forget!
You have one awesome caregiver! She is amazing and I miss seeing her on a regular basis. Glad your summer was as much fun as ours. We will make plans for a field trip to the blueberry patch and chicken farm next year!