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Happy St. Patrick's Day (a little late)

Ben came home with this today.

Faux Orders

Ben is living the teenage dream in his own room with puppy and sports car posters. He also has a touch screen computer with wifi now. Ben uses Amazon Prime to watch all his favorite movies.  One day I found Ben sitting at his desk trying to get another movie started. When I went over there to help him, this is what I saw on the screen:  I assume he hit the wrong buttons, but perhaps he was shopping Mother's Day early. It sure would have been a strange conversation between Ryan and me when that faux fur shawl arrived at our house. I better make sure that One Click is not working on Ben's computer.

Friday Night at the Rink

Our family's latest escapades are listed on the Charlotte Parent's website -  Friday Nights are Family Nights at the Rink You may not live in Charlotte and near this particular roller skating rink, but think about what activity can be adapted to fit for your entire family that is located in your hometown.  And remember, you never know the answer until you ask if your child can particiapte in a modified way.  Write in the comments places you and your family go to have fun together.