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Fans FILLED the Stands!

Photos for now...too tired to write. An awesome experience, again. Thank you to the tireless photographer. He caught all the right moments. WSOCTV Fox 46 - Good Day Charlotte Charlotte Parent Charlotte Observer Macaroni Kid WBTV WCNC


"If you could give one superpower to someone else in your family, what would it be and why?" This was the question texted to me in early April. A few weeks earlier, I joined a free service that sends a daily text with a question. I was apprehensive about this question because I was not sure what Logan and Sean would say about superpowers and Ben.  Within seconds of being asked the question, Logan and Sean chose Ben to receive the superpowers. Logan thought Ben would be best served with mind reading abilities so he would know what everyone was thinking.  Sean thought the ability to fix or build anything should be Ben's superpower because he loves Bob the Builder so much.  I had braced myself for their answers, assuming they would give Ben powers to change him into a typical kid. But they did not - they saw something else that I did not. Leave it to them to be far more perceptive and creative than me.  My friend and running partner, Ailen Arreaza, works for

Special Olympics Mecklenburg County - on FOX TV

With just one week until Special Olympics Mecklenburg County Opening Ceremonies, the local media is covering the story. Watch one of our athletes and the director of Special Olympics Mecklenburg County talk about the upcoming games: Sunday, April 12, 2015 - FOX 46 Good Day Charlotte

Newsworthy Bathroom

Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte

Find out more about the organization coordinating the accessible bathroom being built for Ben: Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte * Rebuilding Together is a national organization:  The Rebuilding Together network includes affiliates across 41 states and the District of Columbia. Rebuilding Together’s local affiliates and nearly 100,000 volunteers complete about 10,000 rebuild projects each year. Rebuilding Together served 570,000 people in 2013, putting $86 million of project value back in communities. Rebuilding Together volunteers completed more than 980,000 hours of service in 2013. (Taken from the website .)

Permit Approved!

We received word today that the plan for the bathroom was approved and a permit was issued. And, literally, as I read the email, the foundation contractor pulled up with equipment and workers.   Missed out on the Bathroom Build? Check out these posts: Ben's Bathroom Knights of the Square Table Demolition Done Right

The Right Direction

Sean, Ben's youngest brother, helps him steer his new bike. Photography: Joey Haynes