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Demolition Done Right

Before Rebuilding Together Charlotte's Board Members demolished the deck in less than three hours.  Ben watched as everyone worked. It was like having his very own Bob the Builder episode filmed live.  Logan and Sean helped out. They were both feeling sad about saying goodbye to the deck. The past president of Rebuilding Together reeled them into the work and made them feel a part of the project.  After

It Begins...

The container has been dropped.  Demolition starts Sunday.  I can hardly believe it.

Knights of the Square Table

Sirs Tom , Mike , Mark , Rodney, Dan , Eddie , Wyatt , Matthew and Brian are all at the top of their field in construction, designing, remodeling and building in the Charlotte and surrounding areas. Early one morning last week, they put aside their own busy lives to discuss a timeline for building an accessible bathroom for Ben. In one hour, they made several decisions: They discussed foundation, dumpster and sub-contractor issues. They volunteered for coordinating the project, framing the structure and donating supplies. Finally,  they chose a start date - March 15, 2015 . WooHOO! A few of these men know our family because Ryan was in construction for a number of years and worked directly with them. Most of them do not know us at all, and when the National Association of Remodeler's Industry of Greater Charlotte (NARI) introduced the idea of building an accessible bathroom for a family in need, they volunteered for the project. There was no arm twisting - they wanted