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The Great and Terrible

The tune "Ding-Dong The Witch is Dead" from The Wizard of Oz rang through my head when I was introduced to Ben's new school speech therapist last week at Open House. It meant the old one was finally gone after three years of doing battle. I had given up on Ben receiving any type of formal speech therapy at school. The final straw came when I compared three years of IEP and progress notes and found that the therapist had copied word-for-word her comments every time. She changed nothing. From the beginning, Ben's response to her was to kick and bite. I never denied he did those things to her, but it let me know that something was not right and I had the IEP reflect that Ben could not be alone with this therapist. Luckily, Ben's teacher and principal supported what we were trying to do with the NOVA Chat and communication in the classroom. They did everything within their power to make sure Ben received services, but in many ways, their hands were tied. Ben was n

Riding Down the Open Road

AMBUCS is a wonderful organization, providing adaptive bicycles and tricycles for kids and adults with special needs. Ben is on his second tryke, and this one was a gift from his Aunt Olivia a few years ago. One of our biggest challenges in the past has been getting Ben to keep his hands on the handlebars, but he is now listening to our directions and holding on tight. We added a strap to help keep his chest in place and provide extra support. With assistance, Ben can ride up to five blocks now. When he gets tired, he starts to slump over. Holding his chest and body in place in addition to pedaling are hard work, but great exercise. Our goal is to get him to ride all the way to the playground after school to see his brothers. It is six or seven long blocks. I think it will be an accomplishment that will get lots of attention from other kids which is a great motivator for Ben. At the end of the day, like any kid, he likes to show-off. Joey, walking beside Ben, is one of our

Back to School

Ready or not! Ben - 5th grade Logan - 4th grade Sean - 1st grade