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Stand By Me

Sorry - the video will no longer work! I will keep working on it. At the pool, Ben initiated this activity over and over. It was the first time he has ever done this. He must have done it at least 40 times. He knew what he was doing was good and he kept practicing. All his cousins, grandma and aunt were there to witness this enormous achievement. Other children in the pool gathered around him to watch. It was a very special thing to see.

When you need a smile...

talk to a three year old. At our house, Star Wars is the main event - from playing with Star Wars Legos to watching the movies to fighting with Light Sabers. One day Logan and Sean, were acting out the duel to the death fight between Luke and Darth Vader, with Logan playing Luke and Sean playing Darth Vader. I overheard Sean say to Logan, "Luke, you are my son." Well at least he got the familial relationship correct, if not the line. My Dad and his brother Arnie are identical twins. I am sure that over the years, they have heard every possible comment about their resemblance. They may have added a new one to the list when Sean said, "Uncle Arnie, you and Grandpa have the same head." Having a bad day? Need a pick-me-up? Find yourself a three year old who will most likely have something funny and insightful to say.

Saying Good Bye

I have written about Dwayne, Ben's OT, for the past several years. Dwayne was part of Ben's Speech/OT Dream Team. For personal reasons, Dwayne must move from the area. Ryan has taken this the hardest. It is the first time he knew one of Ben's therapists. Dwayne came at a time that Ryan was home from work and their mutual love of basketball and football developed into friendly banter about which teams would do the best and worst. When Dwayne told us about the changes coming, I was not surprised or broken-hearted. Ryan thought I was being cold, but Ben has had more than seven years of therapy, meaning more than seven years of therapists. I have seen good ones leave and have had a hand in helping bad ones go. Some have come back to us after moving away. Some I see at the park and library with their own children. Some have referred their new clients to this website, and I have become friends with the clients. Some keep up with us on Facebook. And one drives with us to New