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Assuming Conclusions

Many years ago, I heard this story: A father and his small child are riding in a hospital elevator with another person, not known to them. The child was acting up. In close quarters, it was very disruptive. The father did not address the behavior, did not seem to even notice. As the elevator doors opened, the stranger in the elevator, made a snide comment about the child's improper behavior and lack of parental discipline. The father replied, "I am so sorry. I am just not sure how to tell him that his mother has passed away." This summer, there were two times where I made assumptions about a situation without having all the information. Although I try to keep the above story in mind when assessing any situation, being human I sometimes jump to conclusions without having all the information. Ironically, in both situations, it was not obvious to me that people with special needs were involved. Luckily, in both cases, a positive connection was made. After I figur...

Magic Marker Monday: Monkeying Around

 With a couple of paper plates and colored foam board, you too could have some monkey business. Ben brought this little guy home from camp. Click here to see more works of art.

If Becomes When

When Ben was little we were never sure what his needs would be as he got older. We hoped that he would begin to talk and walk. With such a vague diagnosis, we never knew how Ben's development would progress. The idea of needing to change our home to meet Ben's needs was a fleeting thought. If Ben does not walk , was not something we spent a lot of time contemplating. Avoiding this thought was easier. Even if Ben did not walk, the future seemed a long way off. Ben is seven now and the unknown future is here and more apparent. The physical and financial problems will be major issues for us. When will we make these changes? How will we cope with these changes? Where do we add a ramp? How do we enlarge the bathroom to fit an adaptive toilet? Will our car need to be retrofitted for a wheelchair? How do we pay for it? As difficult as these decisions and financial problems will be, dealing with the emotional issues associated with these changes will be most challenging. It mea...

Special Exposure Wednesday: Last Days of Summer

On the beach at Okracoke Island in the Outer Banks of NC Check out other photos at

To Cut or Not To Cut...

That is the question that I am currently stressing about - seem silly to you? Yeah, me too, but I still feel the need to stress about it. Early on in my blog life, I wrote "Dress for Success" , a discussion about how important it is to help your child look the best she or he can. This summer, after being nagged by a few (Ben's Dad and Ben's grandma), not that I am calling anyone out, mind you, I decided to let Ben's hair grow out. I usually keep it very short. It stays neat, no gel or combing needed in the rush of morning chaos. Now school starts in a week and I am rethinking the whole "growing it out" - I know it is in style, but does it look more messier than "cool?" Will this look make him look odd or strange rather than fitting in with current fashion? Tonight I asked Ben what he wanted. Funny kid, he reached out and grabbed my nose...And gave me an idea. Ben makes choices very well and he always seems to know what he wants. I am go...

8 Down, 4 To Go

Let's just say I finished in a respectable amount of time and that I look forward to running in cooler weather. And perhaps it was divine intervention that I forgot to collect my timing chip at no one really will know my "respectable" time. You will just have to take my word for it. To hear how I got to this point, read about my 12 Race Challenge .

Magic Marker Monday: Paper Airplanes

A hot and muggy afternoon with bored kids gave me the courage to drag out this book. It turned out easier than I thought, got everyone involved and had lasting effects because the boys played with the airplanes when they were finished. Click here to check out other works of art.