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Magic Marker Monday: Paper Airplanes

A hot and muggy afternoon with bored kids gave me the courage to drag out this book. It turned out easier than I thought, got everyone involved and had lasting effects because the boys played with the airplanes when they were finished. Click here to check out other works of art.

Bad Habit or Good Routine?

How do you tell the difference between a bad habit and a good routine? For the past several months, at about 8pm, Ben crawls up on the couch with my husband or me, cuddles and falls asleep within the hour. It started out with a lot of oohs and ahhs from us - snuggling with Ben is very sweet. If we move him too early, he gets out of his room and crawls right back with us as if nothing happened. I do wonder if we are doing the right thing by allowing this behavior. Questions enter my mind - Do I want this same behavior six months from now? Not sure. Would I allow my typical sons to do this? Definitely not. But then I also think about how life has changed in the past year with respect to Ben's sleep schedule. He is not getting up many times a night due to nasal congestion. He is going to sleep at a reasonable hour and sleeping until morning. Ben's snuggling could be meeting a need - spending time with us without his brothers. Ben is in school or camp all day, then typical

Special Exposure Wednesday: Double Whammy

Growing up, my parents gave us kisses on each cheek and called them Double Whammies. Logan photographed our version. Check out other photos at

Imagination Station

Ben having a good ole' time at camp. Ben attended 6 weeks of camp at Imagination Station this summer, a camp coordinated through the County Parks and Recreation   - Therapeutic Recreation Division. Each week, Ben swam, participated in music therapy, My Gym , arts and crafts and story time. A field trip to local amusement parks and other fun places was also part of their schedule every week. Because the camp director is educated and trained as a recreational therapist , she understands the needs of children with disabilities. A consistent, predictable schedule was set for the week, but specific activities changed often throughout the day to offer variety and keep the attention of the campers. Ben loved this camp. When I came to pick him up, he was never ready to leave. One of his favorite places was the playroom filled with tunnels and slides for kids to climb and hide. Although Ben mostly observed the kids running, he enjoyed it so much. So many of his fellow campers woul

Magic Marker Monday: Caricature

Camp sponsored a day-long "Camp Fest" with water slides, magicians, dancing and ...a caricature artist. Click on the image to see other artists' work.

Rainbow Express

Each year a local church sponsors a week-long camp for children with special needs. This was Ben's 4th year attending Rainbow Express . What makes this camp so different from others is that it is planned through the youth ministry at the church. The teens of the church coordinate all the details, activities, serve as the counselors, and prepare a new puppet show each day. The adults in the church serve as nurses and additional staff. Many take their week of vacation to volunteer at this camp. Max (Buddy), Ben and Rachel (Counselor) Over 100 campers attended this year. Each camper is paired with a teenage counselor, and some campers also have a Buddy, a peer who has typical abilities. Ben's counselor was Rachel, a rising freshman in college. Ben's buddy was Max, a another super-cute six-year old redhead. It really is impossible to describe how wonderful this camp is for everyone who participates, volunteers or parents a child who attends. I do know that Ben meets