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I Love Lucy Project

I am always amazed to hear about parents, in the middle of caring for a child with medical or other special needs, who are able to pull together something so wonderful like an amusement park, a signing program or raise money to cure a disease. Rather than wallow in their own issues, they find ways to reach out to others and make a difference in not just their own child's life, but many others as well. They face the challenges of life head on - helping us all gain perspective on our lives and develop confidence in what we do. This is a lovely story about a family: I Love Lucy Project . Please check it out. This is also a link to a "sneak peak" from their book, "A Mother's Book of Secrets."

Magic Marker Monday: Last of the Snow

Ben, Age 6 The snowmen are made with cotton balls, yarn, googly eyes and foam noses. The background snow is paint and glitter. Go see other works of art: 5 Minutes for Special Needs

Own Domain

I took a big step today and purchased the domain for . I was playing around with settings and such and saw that my own domain could be purchased if the name was not being used. I thought I would at least see if it was available...and then see if the price was within my non-existent blog budget. Alas, was available and it was $10 for the year to purchase - definitely within my budget. So it became a done deal within minutes. Nothing should change - if you receive this by email, your subscription should be just fine. The old address will direct you to this new one. Perhaps my head will get bigger, you know, owning my own domain and all. I will try to keep it in perspective...tomorrow. Today I will bask in the glory that I own a part (albeit a very small part) of the world wide web. Tomorrow, I will be annoyed that had I not used Google as a middle-man, I could have paid $7.49 directly to !