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Magic Marker Monday: Lizard or Gecko?

Ben brought this little guy home from school. His body is laminated and two slits were cut on the bottom for his feet to be attached. We've all fallen in love with this cute lizard, or is it a chameleon?

Auditory Brainstem Response

Ben awaiting his ABR. Based on an ABR ( Auditory Brainstem Response ) Ben had when he was 2 1/2 years old, we were told that his hearing in his right ear was poor - he could not hear anything below 90 decibels . Regular conversation is at 55 decibels. With good hearing in his left ear, he could compensate. When I found the new ear, nose and throat doctor's office last summer, I decided to retest Ben's hearing. After initial testing, it seemed that Ben's equipment - ear drums, etc. - all worked well. A sound booth test is hard to do with Ben because he is not able to speak or point his answer. Another ABR was the only alternative. Ben's ABR was done yesterday. In order for the audiologist to perform the test in her office, Ben had to be sleep deprived the night before so that he would quickly fall asleep with a mild sedative. My plan involved keeping Ben up until 1am and waking him at 6am. My friend and I brought Ben to a 9:30pm showing of Avatar , and kept him aw

Special Exposure Wednesday: At the Circus

  We saw Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus recently. We are not sure if Ben enjoyed the circus or the popcorn more. Lucky for us, popcorn refills were free!

Gadgets & Gizmos - Part 5: PECS

When Ben was three, we started using a Picture Exchange Communication System or PECS. It is a system used widely with children with Autism. Ben has not been diagnosed with Autism, but we still find it quite useful. PECS is a augmentative and alternative communication device, used by people with special needs. It involves using pictures and symbols to communicate needs and wants. A longer and more in depth definition and history of PECS can be found at this Wikipedia site . To start, you need a large three-ring binder (about 3 inches wide), rolls of Velcro (more than you expect), hard plastic dividers, access to laminating machine or self-laminating sheets, scissors and camera. We use the following categories within the PECS book: Food Daily Activities Toys Outdoor Activities Places People Media (DVDs, books, music) Self-Help Activities The categories help us find the photos fast and return them to their correct location for use the next time. It will also help you to de

Magic Marker Monday: A New Look for the American Flag

Ben, age 6, made this creative flag at school. The stars are made with mini-marshmallows. I was able to stop certain members of the family from eating the marshmallows after I told them they were attached with glue.

Gadgets & Gizmos, Part 4: A Desk Especially for Ben

Several years ago, Ben received a touch screen monitor from an assistive technology organization. Ben found ways to take apart the computer, eat the wires and throw the very light monitor onto the floor. When we tried the programs with Ben, his focus was more on how to eat, taste and destroy the components of the computer, rather than on the actual activity. After looking for a desk that would serve Ben's needs and not finding one within our budget, I asked my husband's father if he would consider building one. Always up for a construction challenge and helping his grandson, he said yes, without really knowing what he was getting himself into. We emailed back and forth drawings and designs and finally came up with something we thought would work now and grow with Ben as he got taller. With the help of his long-time friend and his woodworking workshop, Ben's grandpa built an impressive desk. The desk features a locked cabinet for storage. Ben is able to g

Special Exposure Wednesday: Southern Snow

While it seemed like everyone else in the country was getting snow in December, we remained cold and rainy. This past weekend, the snow finally arrived. With not quite enough snow to bound down hills, Logan glides down the slide - the southern way of sledding.