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The Cousins are Coming! The Cousins are Coming!

 My sister, her three kids and my mom came for their annual trip to North Carolina. Whether we were swimming, playing mini-golf or painting pottery, the kids had a blast. Almost 10 days and not one fight among the six kids. Pretty amazing! For the first time, I kept Ben home from camp so he could spend all his time with the cousins. It was the right decision and worked well for this trip. Ben is on his new medicine regimen and I record every pill taken, at what time and Ben's activities and mood for the day on the computer. I faxed my observations to the doctor today and so far we are both happy with the results. Ben is more alert, happier, less sleepy during the daytime and his walking is stronger. I think it will take time and therapy for his walking to be what it was before this all started in March. i think you will even notice these photos show an alert and happy kid. Earlier in the week, two of Ben's drugs interacted to make for a very sleepy Ben. I gave Ben ano


These photos kind of say it all.

Surprise Phone Call

The phone rings and the caller ID reads "xxx management company". I pick it up, knowing it must be a telephone solicitor. The man introduces himself as someone representing our health insurance company. This can be nothing good - insurance companies don't call out of the blue for good news. I was wrong. This man was calling to give me his contact information in case I have questions in the future about Ben's claims and services. That was it - no cancellations and no complaints about how many times I call their offices. Just simply, I am reaching out to you for any future questions . Period, that was it. Smile on my face and good Karma sent his way!