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Dude, I've Got New Wheels

Ben has his own Convaid Stroller now, and at the suggestion of his school physical therapist we added these "big wheels" to the order. These special wheels easily attach to the stroller without having to remove the smaller wheels. Ben's private PT is trying to teach Ben how to use the wheels, but his hands seem to get caught in the spokes. I also think they may be set too far back for his arms, although I have had Logan test it out and they seem to work fine. It is possible that if Ben sat up straight in the chair, he would have a better angle for propelling himself. Ben gets the concept and can move short distances, but his preference is to be pushed. No surprise there! The wheels are great for when we have long walks over rough terrain. They are much easier to push and provide a smoother ride for Ben. And then there's always that great smile...

Special Exposure Wednesday: Why the long face?

Wordless Wednesday are featured on sites to promote photography. Join in the fun. Or if you need your photos to be accompanied by lots of words try Wordful Wednesday at Seven Clown Circus .

Special Needs Reality TV

Last week, a one-man camera crew followed around our family for the evening. They caught everything on camera – Ben’s therapy session with OT and Speech, a chaotic dinner of Domino’s pizza on paper plates with the big treat – lemonade, crazy wrestling with all three boys and Ryan and then a trip to the YMCA for Ben to play basketball in a pick-up game. They interviewed Ryan and me too.  From what I understand, this will be used on a website for Attainment Company , a company that publishes materials used by teachers, schools and therapists for children with special needs. The Attainment Company wants to offer these materials to families and parents at a discounted cost to be used inside the home. This video will be a way to make connections with other families in our same situation. (Ben was in their literacy video.) But it got me thinking – they have every type of reality show on right now – but what about following a family with special needs? There’s plenty of drama, comedy and si