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Special Exposure Wednesday: Ben and Monkey Joe

See more Special Exposure Photos at 5 Minutes for Special Needs.

AFOs or UFOs: What's the Difference?

AFOs - What are they? We have all seen UFOs - Unidentified Foot Objects - on children. What are they? What do they do? How can I get a pair? Ben wears AFOs - ankle foot orthotics - everyday. They give him stability because his calves, feet and ankles are weak. He has been wearing some type of brace since he was about 2 years old. It gives him the support he needs to walk with assistance. He does not seem to mind them and he makes it relatively easy for us to get them on and off. If they are made correctly and put on the right way, I do not think they cause him any discomfort. Saying that, I have seen him come home from school and camp with upside-down, backwards SMOs (supramalleolar orthosis) - never heard him complain then either. Lessons Learned Through insurance, we are able to get new AFOs every 6 months. Ben also has SMOs - and they too may be replaced every 6 months. I share this knowledge because I just learned it. I thought I had to alternate between the two and thi

Magic Marker Monday: It's a turtle, It's a snail, It's whatever you want it to be

Ben, age 7 Ben used his rolled up hand covered in paint to make this little animal. See more works of art at 5 Minutes for Special Needs. *Don't forget to vote for our Amazing Race team name - see the sidebar on the right.