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Magic Marker Monday: Full Bloom

Flowers made from tissue paper and pipe cleaners. We copied this idea from Michelle at 5 Minutes for Special Needs - it sure brightened a gloomy day! Find out how to brighten your day.

Time to Vote!

Over the next two weeks, please cast your vote for our Amazing Race Team Name. You may vote as many times as you would like. The box to the right of the eSpeciallyBen site has the information. On another note, all 15 Ben Bookmarks have sold - raising $150! I will put in another order if I get enough requests. Thank you for your support.

Fighting the Unknown

Last fall, I spent a large number of my hours fighting the recommendation for the school board to close Ben's school. I spent countless hours talking on the phone, sending emails, attending meetings and even more time worrying and stressing about the situation. What exactly was I fighting? I did not want Ben's current school to close. I wanted him to stay where he was with the same teachers, same students and same environment. Why did I want these same things? I was happy with where he was and I knew the teachers, students and environment. We were comfortable there. I was really fighting the unknown. I made the assumption that the unknown would be bad. Two weeks ago, I wrote about Ben's new placement for the fall 2011 and how I was thrilled with the new school. I met with the principal for two hours recently. Her philosophy about inclusion blew me away. Her background is in working with special needs children and she lead an area of the Exceptional Children before