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Magic Marker Monday: T-Shirt Painting

The boys made these t-shirts at our son, Logan's 5th birthday party. T-shirts are from the Dollar Store, paint from Michael's and iron-on lettering from WalMart. Easy and inexpensive activity to do - especially outdoors! Kept the 12 children busy for quite awhile. Ben used his hands to squeeze the t-shirt to get his effect, while Logan used the "squirt the paint bottle" method. Check out other works of art at

Special Exposure Wednesday: Splash Down

Water Day at school! Check out other photos at


Ben is making remarkable progress in physical therapy. In these photos, they are attempting to get Ben to stand unassisted. The therapist wrapped Styrofoam around his legs for stability. Look "No Hands!" If you are wondering why Ben has a rubber shark hanging from his is to divert his attention from what he is actually doing - standing on his own!